Monthly Archives: December 2022

One More Year

What has been the impact of my life over the last 365 days? This is the time of year when people often ask themselves the question about their progress on goals and dreams. How about fruit? Let’s ask whether our … Continue reading

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Enjoy Rest – Watch For Needs

Today might be the day to help. Jesus taught repeatedly that people are more important than Sabbath. Rest was made for us and not us for keeping laws about rest. Let me push us further on a restful day between … Continue reading

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Trimmed And Burning

This time of year, many folks have their feet up relaxing, in between Christmas and New Years. What better time to be reminded by the Lord Jesus that we should be dressed and ready for service, with our oil lamps … Continue reading

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Don’t Be Afraid

Sometimes we misplace fear toward people and even leadership or authority figures. Jesus has some choice words about this today, and the bottom line of it is that if we fear anyone it should be God, but don’t be afraid, … Continue reading

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Heaven’s Storehouse

If we put our treasure into heaven’s storehouse and consider ourselves to be heaven’s servants, we will find ourselves aligned with God and the teaching of Jesus. Many of us worry too much to do this, and it gets in … Continue reading

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