Tag Archives: future hope

Hold To Faith

Do you have faith to persevere? Remember that the strength of your faith depends on the one you trust. Hold to faith in the one who hold the power and keeps his promise. If we can do this, we will … Continue reading

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Criminals in Paradise

They were both criminals. Don’t miss this representation of you and me. Everyone is equal before God. All have sinned and fallen short and are worthy to hang to the left or to the right of Jesus on our own … Continue reading

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Careful and Prayerful

As the world continues to change and shift and spiral into the future, be careful. That’s what Jesus says. Why? So that your hearts are not weighed down. His coming is in our future, and Jesus wants us to be … Continue reading

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Dialect of Thanksgiving and Love

There are certain words which shouldn’t even be in our vocabulary. We could all be better about this. For the Jesus follower, thanksgiving should flavour our vocabulary because it shows we come from a place of receiving extravagant love that … Continue reading

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