Tag Archives: Resurrection

Resurrection Immanuel

In the resurrection, Jesus asked his Father in heaven to send us the comforter and counselor. The Holy Spirit is God with us forever. Just as Jesus was Immanuel in the incarnation, the Spirit is Immanuel post Pentecost in the … Continue reading

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The Meeting Place Shook

“Stretch out your hand with healing power; may miraculous signs and wonders be done through the name of your holy servant Jesus.” This was the prayer of the disciples of Jesus after Peter and John were threatened to stop speaking … Continue reading

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The One Referred To

“Jesus is the one referred to in the Scriptures,” Peter said to the religious leaders. He is the cornerstone – the stone that the builders rejected. So don’t reject him now. Accept him as the cornerstone, as the fulfillment of … Continue reading

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Greater Story

As part of the greater story of God, which spans every generation and links our experience with God’s purpose in the lives of those who lived before us, David predicted the resurrection. At Pentecost, the Apostle Peter expounded on this … Continue reading

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Forty Days

I would loved to have been a fly on the wall during Jesus’ forty days of teaching post-resurrection. These forty days would have been the master class in synthesis of prophecy, the fulfillment of the Law, the new covenant of … Continue reading

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