Tag Archives: Son of Man

Third Time Charm

We thought the third time would be the charm when it came to Jesus explaining that he would die and rise from the dead, but the disciples just don’t get it. And if they don’t get it, maybe we should … Continue reading

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Spiritual Sight To The Blind

“I entered this world to give sight to the blind and to show those who think they see that they are blind.” Jesus came to give spiritual sight to people who were outside of the religious circle, and expose those … Continue reading

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Deserved To Die

Not only did Jesus admit, once arrested, that he is Messiah, he also connected his claim to the future reign of the Son of Man from Daniel 7. This statement caused an immediate response of horror and disgust among his … Continue reading

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I Am Messiah, Son of God

How many times did Jesus have to say it? How many times did he need to prove it? The religious leaders wanted him to say in plainly in his trial. They wanted irrefutable evidence that they could use to have … Continue reading

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Lifted Up

Jesus does not want us to see him as a mere teacher, but rather as one who came from heaven to provide for our rescue from sin. We look up to him on the cross where he died for us … Continue reading

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