In Step

Are you keeping in step with God? When we get out of step we rely on ourselves, we make up stories about what’s happening, and we stop walking by the Spirit and in faith. Turn around. Get back to being in step with God. It’s a better choice with a blessed outcome…

Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.
Galatians 5:25 NIV

A couple of weeks ago I pulled my copy of A Tale Of Two Cities off my bookshelf to read the first paragraph again. We know the first line. “It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.” Sounds like our times.

I was having a particularly challenging week of things piling up in the ‘worst’ column and didn’t have any ‘best’ items I could think of in that moment. A few hours and a key meeting later, I was seeing both sides of the ledger again.

A colleague of mine prayed with thanksgiving to God for the ‘best’ news and was led to mention keeping in step with God.

The reality is that these are God’s times. Best, worst, or whatever, every day I live belongs to God and I live by faith. I live by the Spirit.

The reminder was to not get ahead of God and certainly don’t fall behind God. Stay with him. Keep in step with him. Deal with what is in front of you and make the best decisions in faith that you can make. Plan according to his guidance. Then keep in step.

Sounds simpler than I made it…


Marc Kinna


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