
Without the call of God – without being able to call upon God – who could endure the troubles and challenges of discipleship? I’d be more likely to bail and move on.  This is the power of calling. The presence and call of God is the thing that will get you through it all!

1 This letter is from Paul, chosen by the will of God to be an apostle of Christ Jesus, and from our brother Sosthenes.

2 I am writing to God’s church in Corinth, to you who have been called by God to be his own holy people. He made you holy by means of Christ Jesus, just as he did for all people everywhere who call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, their Lord and ours.

3 May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you grace and peace.
1Corinthians 1:1-3 NLT

Paul was called. He was called to be an apostle. We know that story from the book of Acts in which Paul is blinded on the road to Damascus in an amazing encounter with Jesus. He goes from persecuting Jesus to being his chief ambassador.

He was called to be a church planter in Corinth, to minister to people who were called by God into relationship with him. They are saints – holy ones – whom God has redeemed into his family.

They joined people if every place who call upon the name of the Lord. This is what God desires – for people to call upon his name. In fact, he calls people to call upon him.

This matter of calling is important to seeing things through. Paul had a tough go everywhere he went. Sosthenes was called by God back in Acts 18, and he was nearly beaten to death because of it. Without the call of God – without being able to call upon God – who could endure this? Who would endure this?

Wouldn’t you bail? Wouldn’t you move on? Wouldn’t you be tempted to compromise? If you think back to difficult times as followers of Jesus, you’ll likely echo the power of calling. Even if you wish a call wasn’t on your life, you know it is the thing that will get you through.

For Paul and Sosthenes, the body of Christ in Corinth was worth it. For you and me, the difficulties we face serving God are worth it. So answer the call. Then call upon God to fulfill your call.

God will be praised and the family of God will grow…


Marc Kinna

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2 Responses to Called

  1. Christopher Staddon says:

    I think god is a cop out, where we can’t assume responsibilities as a human race we look to god, it’s not our fault, the second coming of Christ is imminent etc. rather than take responsibilities to make this world last forever. Perhaps this is all we have and should make it last at the very least for our children and humanity. I am flabbergasted at times where religions are blind to what man is doing to nature, not in unison to protect but to say it’s OK you’ll go to a better place if you follow our rules. The biggest supporters the environment should be organized religions, but totally invisible, probably because a certain political faction dominates in this realm.

    • marckinna says:

      Thanks for the comment, Chris. I think you are correct that some people might view their faith and their God as a pass to get out of personal responsibility. My view is that we should be helping to bring redemption to every aspect of life here and now. I have three grandchildren and I care about their future living on this planet. I bear responsibility for my choices in caring for the environment, and I agree people of faith should be at the forefront of caring for this world.

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