Tag Archives: Perspective


If you rejoice in circumstances and then choose only the glass-half-full moments to rejoice in, you are missing out on the comfort and strength and hope which comes from rejoicing in the ever-present Lord Almighty who carries us and supports … Continue reading

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Light Within

What we see with our eyes and how we view the world impacts the light within us. The old computing adage of ‘garbage in, garbage out’ tells us that what we put in has to come out. Or worse: it … Continue reading

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Self-control in faith helps us continue to trust in God and not ourselves. Self-control in our thinking and emotions guides our perspective about the people around us. Self-control in temptation helps us stay strong in obedience to Christ and as … Continue reading

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What’s Your Secret Power?

What’s your super power? Ever have that discussion with your friends? If you could have a super power, what would it be? I always wanted to be Aquaman. How about you? Today we learn not about super power but secret … Continue reading

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I am going to ask God today to reveal my errors in perspective. I am asking God to reveal truth to me so that I can confront reality and let him steer me down his straight path. Would you join … Continue reading

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