Tag Archives: Walking With God

In Step

Are you keeping in step with God? When we get out of step we rely on ourselves, we make up stories about what’s happening, and we stop walking by the Spirit and in faith. Turn around. Get back to being … Continue reading

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Closeness With God

Have you ever wanted the relationship with God that someone else has?  You know those super-spiritual people who seem to be able to connect with God and show the fruit of that relationship in their character and in the way … Continue reading

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Psalm 1

I know that I shouldn’t walk with the wicked and stand in the place of sinners.   I sometimes want to, yet I know I shouldn’t.  Like everything I do in life, where I walk and where I stand spiritually has … Continue reading

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Table For Two

Two tables were available.  One against the wall and one just four feet out from the wall.  The one out from the wall had a pot light above the middle of the table.  The one against the wall was dimly … Continue reading

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