Monthly Archives: February 2023

Worldliness and the Love of God

You cannot love God and love the world at the same time. Every time we think we can stand firmly on both sides of the fence, we find ourselves split up the middle in a spiritual wedgy. Good luck with … Continue reading

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Without the call of God – without being able to call upon God – who could endure the troubles and challenges of discipleship? I’d be more likely to bail and move on.  This is the power of calling. The presence … Continue reading

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From Child-like Faith to Full Maturity

The God who existed from the beginning delights in children and those with hearts of children coming to him for relationship and forgiveness. He will be with us and take care of us as we progress to full maturity of … Continue reading

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Love in the Light

Our relationships within the Body of Christ are very important to our integrity as disciples. Hating a brother or sister while claiming to walk in the light doesn’t add up. We share responsibility and are accountable in the Body for … Continue reading

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Live, Love As Jesus Did

Are you living like Jesus? Are you Christlike? This is the test. If we want to know if we are living in God, this is the test of discipleship.  And when it comes to application, the question is whether we … Continue reading

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