Atonement Once For All

Don’t go there. If we turn away from Jesus in our sin, and we reject his once-for-all sacrifice for sin, there is nowhere else to go. So don’t go there. It’s nowhere. Don’t overlook or reject the grace of God in Jesus. Remain in him and his deep grace for us…

26 Dear friends, if we deliberately continue sinning after we have received knowledge of the truth, there is no longer any sacrifice that will cover these sins.
Hebrews 10:26 NLT

Sin needs to be taken seriously. It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God if we go on sinning willfully. Should we be afraid? Well, perhaps we should if we think we can keep living the old, empty way of life in the face of God’s grace. Shall we keep sinning that grace abounds? Paul says may it never be (Romans 6:1-2). Don’t abuse God’s grace.

Why is there no longer any sacrifice for sin? Is it that our sins after we come to know Jesus are going to hang out there and be used in judgement over us at the end of time? There were some folks who believed that in the first century. But the real reason there is no longer any sacrifice is two-fold.

First, Jesus died once for all sins. He will not die again. His death was sufficient for your sin, even after you come to him and fall again into sin. Secondly, if we trample what Jesus did under foot there is no other way for our sin to be dealt with. We cannot go back to the sacrificial system. We cannot earn favor with God. Jesus is the only way.

When his disciples were faced with the option of leaving Jesus, they responded, “Lord, to whom would we go? You have the words that give eternal life. We believe, and we know you are the Holy One of God,” (John 6:68‭-‬69 NLT).

If we turn away from Jesus in our sin, and we reject his once-for-all sacrifice for sin, there is nowhere else to go. So don’t go there. It’s nowhere. Don’t overlook or reject the grace of God in Jesus. Remain in him and his deep grace for us.


Marc Kinna


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