Monthly Archives: January 2023

One Who Serves

Will you be one who serves? Will you be one who chooses the path to greatness, not by seeking a place of honour at the table, but by serving those sitting at the table? This is the teaching of Jesus, … Continue reading

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Celebrating Jesus’ Rescue

When I’m gone, do this again. Jesus told his followers to mark our memories of him and our discipleship by celebrating communion again and again. Christians have practiced this celebration memorial ever since. Remember Jesus and his rescue when you … Continue reading

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Devouring Widows’ Houses

No one would want to be associated with taking advantage of widows. So when Jesus exposes their mistreatment for the sake of religion, it strikes a chord. This interchange reveals a new direction in which the temple itself doesn’t play … Continue reading

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Living Hope

To God, all are alive. Even though we die, we are still alive to God. If you ever contemplated whether there is an afterlife, today we receive Jesus’ teaching on the matter. There is a living hope for us in … Continue reading

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Surrender Everything Back

Give everything back to God which God has given to you. That’s surrender. When we do this, we have the most influence on the rest of the world as disciples of Jesus. We give people an example of what it … Continue reading

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