Tag Archives: Confession

Fooling Ourselves

Trust in Jesus. Trust in him for his teaching, his redemptive sacrifice, and for his forgiveness of your sin. And walk in the light. This will help keep you from slipping up. But when you do, be honest about your … Continue reading

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Free Indeed

We love freedom. We proclaim it, celebrate it, and make it the most important element of the foundation of nations. Yet to receive the freedom Jesus offers, we must confront the reality of sin, which actually has the power, unchecked, … Continue reading

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God fills us with joy in his presence, David writes, and as we connect and commune with God, the path of life is revealed to us. God likewise searches us deeply, and David calls upon the Lord to test him … Continue reading

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Part of the nature of sin is defiance with a hard heart. That’s why we fall into trouble in the first place. When we are concealing sin, we show our fear of other people who will judge us. We show … Continue reading

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Finding Mercy

Find mercy. Today. Tell a trusted brother or sister, pray for one another, and find mercy. Be healed. Rejoice in forgiveness. Yup, we are talking about sin. And when we conceal it we don’t prosper. We don’t move ahead. So … Continue reading

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